We take a road trip from Chengdu into the mountains of Sichuan to discover glaciers, four sisters and some pandas.
There is much to discover in this mountainous province. Often upstaged by its better known neighbour Guangxi we highly rate this trip to escape the tourists and get into the mountains of China.
If it is guaranteed snow you are after, you can’t go wrong with a winter trip to Heilongjiang.
If it’s sea, surf and mountains you are after then Hainan has it all. We try diving, surfing, hiking and golf in a trip across the province.
Just a one and half hour train ride from Hong Kong Zhaoqing boasts some of the best mountains in the Greater Bay Area. Here we suggest five great days out in the region.
Yang Shau
China is famous for its Karst Mountains and there are no finer examples than here in Yang Shau. We spend five episodes exploring a number of activities you can do here in what must be one of the country’s most picturesque regions.
Drone and Phone set off to southwest China in search of the elusive Shangri-La. Taking a cue from links between the book Lost Horizon, and Joseph Rock’s travel stories published in National Geographic, we embark on an arduous quest. Could the mythical place be based on Muli in Sichuan?
How to setup and use Wechat & Alipay for China?
We take you through the process of setting up a WeChat & AliPay account with foreign credit cards to use in Mainland China. In the video DJ has a go at setting up the accounts in Hong Kong, then crosses the border to shop, use the subway and take a didi car.
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