Tai Mo Shan

We chose Tai Mo Shan as it’s the tallest point in Hong Kong and what child does not want to go to the tallest peak. You can also get a ride most of the way up which means the climbing part is only the last 250m and it’s along a road.

Combined with the thrill of being able to say you are the highest person in all on Hong Kong (well, actually, you can’t quite as there is a weather station on the peak), there is also a bit of a bushwhack through the upper forest followed by some beautiful rivers and waterfalls on the way down. And it is down. Once you come off the peak, it’s all downhill, which keeps the kids skipping along without too much complaining.

As you draw close to the Shing Mun Reservoir look out for the monkeys. By the time you get to Pineapple Dam you should have seen a lot, but it’s always much more fun to spot them in the forest and keeps the kids happy right to the very end. All in all it’s a great adventure for the kids and adults too.


Get to the start:

1. Start in Tsuen Wan and get a taxi up to the barrier on Tai Mo Shan Road. Some Taxi drivers might try and drop you close to Route Twisk but be insistent as you will regret it later if you have to walk up.

2. Follow the road up to the Tai Mo Shan Weather and Radar Station and continue down the other side.

3. There are several turnings off but continue straight as far as Sze Fong Shan Au where you leave the road and follow a thin ribboned trail until you meet the Tai Mo Shan Forest Track.

4. Turn right on the track and follow it straight all the way down to the Shing Mun Reservoir. Once there follow the path to Pineapple Dam where you can find taxis and a mini bus down to Tsuen Wan MTR.